Fiberglass Intersection Fairing

I was very nervous about
fitting the fiberglass intersection
fairing. I had
heard horror stories of
guys having to cut and completely rebuild their fairing to get it to
properly. Luckily I
didn’t have those
kinds of problems. Here
is what I did to
make my fairing fit.
Initially my fairing
wouldn’t fit over the elevator
horns—Vans ships it with a lot of extra material.
So I cut off the minimum amount of material I
could get away with until it fit over the stab and elevator (final trim
later). Now that it
was close to fitting
correctly, I marked and cut the horizontal lines and the front curve.
I had a good fit across
the front, and on most of the
sides. But there
were a couple of spots
where the fairing didn’t lay flat against the stab, so I used a heatgun
to help
form the fiberglass. Read
more on this
technique here.
Drill and Attach
After I was happy with
the fit, I drilled the holes to
attach the fairing to the stabs and turtle deck.
I had to drill out a few of the rivets, and
used those holes for platenuts and screws.
It would have been a lot easier to attach the
platenuts if the stabs
hadn’t been permanently attached.
I had
to use a few pop-rivets because I couldn’t get to the back side to buck
squeeze real rivets. If
I could have
removed the stabs, there would have been no problem reaching everything.
Aft End
I finished the fairing by
marking and trimming the back
end. With the
intersection fairing
either clecoed or screwed in place, mark the aft end so it is flush
with the
trailing edge of the vertical stab.
mark the location for the cut around the aileron horns.
I made mine run flush with the aft end of the
horizontal stab end vertically at the back of the F-8601 empennage gap
cover. Then I drew
an arc to connect the two.
I made the initial cuts
with the fairing off the
airplane. Then I
installed it and did
the final sanding to get the fairing to fit perfectly.
I wanted to make sure the fairing was
perfectly flush with the metal.
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