Initial Kit Plane Registration
The initial kit plane registration process was not
as bad as
I initially thought it would be. There are only three forms
to fill out, but the process does take a little time. Let’s
take a look at the forms.
NOTE: If you haven’t reserved your custom N-number already,
check out my article on how
to reserve your custom N-number before you fill out the rest
of the paperwork.
Form 8050-1

Unfortunately, you can’t download this
form. You have
to use an original.
It was easy to get, however. I just called the local FSDO,
they sent me a couple of forms.
There are several places throughout all the paperwork for your name,
the aircraft serial number, etc. Make sure they are all
filled out exactly the same way every time. This will make
life a lot easier.
The address has to be a physical address, no P.O. Boxes.
After you fill the 8050-1 out, keep the pink copy for your records.
Form 8050-2, Bill of Sale

If your aircraft is from a kit, you have to get
the manufacturer to
send you a bill of sale. One quick call to Vans, and mine was
on the way.
If you don’t get one from the manufacturer, you should use the AC form
8050-2. Other forms are allowed, but why make things
complicated? Use the form they are accustomed to seeing.
Download an AC 8050-2 form here Adobe pdf file).
The only change you have to make is to cross out “AIRCRAFT” and write
“KIT” at the top, as you see in the example above. If you
don’t have a reserved N-number,
leave that block empty.
Form 8050-88, Affidavit of Ownership

I initially thought I could make up my own serial
number on this form,
but Vans assigned one on the bill of sale they sent me.
Again, make sure all the information on all the forms match.
This form has to be notarized before you send it in.
Download an AC 8050-88 here (Adobe
pdf file).
the forms
All that is left is to send it all in. Send the 8050-1, -2,
-88 and the $5 registration fee to the FAA at:
Federal Aviation Administration, Aircraft Registration Branch, AFS-750
P.O. Box 25504
Oklahoma City, OK 73125-0504
It took a little over a week to get my paperwork
from Initial Kit Plane
Registration to Experimental
Aircraft Paperwork
from Initial kit Plane
Registration to Kit
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