Vertical Stabilizer

The vertical stabilizer
is built in much the same way as the
horizontal stab. If
you haven’t read
that page yet, click
here to read it. The
same techniques apply to the vertical stab.
Again, I found laying the
VS-803PP rear spar flat on the horizontal
bar of the jig
and drilling right into the wood an easy way to hold the pieces
steady while I worked on them.
you rivet the skeleton of your vertical stab together, think about your
electric system. Will
you have a stobe
light at the top of your stab? Will
ever in the future want to run wires through the stab? Even though I am not putting
a strobe up there,
I still prepped for future wiring. I
enlarged the aft tooling holes and installed bushings in the VS-704,
VS-706 and
VS-707. Then after
the skeleton was
riveted together, I ran a piece of string through the holes and duct
taped it
to the VS-704 and VS-706. If
ever in the
future I want to run a wire, all I have to do is tape it to the string
and pull
it through.
As before with the
horizontal stab, clamping during riveting
is critical. Before
the VS-803PP is
clecoed in place, it is easy to clamp the skin to the workbench. After clecoing the
VS-803PP, either squeeze
the rivets, or clamp the stab with the rear spar hanging off the end of


Rear Attachment

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